Friday, January 13, 2012

So how's the sewing?

     As you know I've been mastering my new sewing machine. My lines are still so wobbly. Does anyone have a solution to that? The good news is that I have not sewn my fingers together *knock on wood*. I am, however, getting tired or having all these awful headbands laying around my place. I take the worst ones and save them for stuffing.

     Another project that I have picked up is eating for my brain. Last year I thought about doing this for a week, but never did. The idea came from a book "Better Brain Health" or something like that. I forget. I guess I should've started working on this earlier. It involves eating food that are very nourishing to my brain. Some of these include: salmon, walnuts, spinach, strawberries and blueberries. Of course, any fruits and veggies are good for your brain because it gives it energy. But supposedly these are extra-special-good. We'll see. Now what was I saying?

 I also have started doing puzzles. I am hoping that it makes my brain think in different ways. Mental workouts can be just as important as physical ones as a person gets older. I am just about to hit the big quarter century, so I better start now. I do regular picture puzzles. Word puzzles. Cross words. Sudoku. Plus try to do math even if it is just simple addition and subtraction.

I  know that you know that it is kind of a roll of the dice anyway. If you have genes prone to dementia or regular forgetfulness, that is how you will mostly be. But is there is any chance at fighting it, why not try? Especially since it makes me feel better all over.
     What do you do to keep sharp?

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